About us

My name is Doru Prodan, I am a full member of the British Herbal Medicine Association and I achieved my diploma in Herbal Medicine in the UK.

I am the owner of the Healthy Healing Herbs – Shop and Clinic, the first Western Herbal Clinic in Malta. I know that the herbs are medicines of the Earth and everyone can benefit from them and I strongly believe in the practice of plant based medicine and other traditional forms of healing.

about_us_healthy_healing_herbs_malta_01I’ve been studying, growing and using medicinal plants for the past 20 years doing my best to help people by using natural remedies. With my experience and knowledge, I am willing to help in the most responsible way, anyone in need who wants to use the benefits of herbal medicine.

My aim is to educate and empower you in your health issues and find the underlying cause of your problems. I can give you practical advice on how you can improve and eventually treat your health issues using only natural remedies.

Growing numbers of people are looking for alternative ways to improve health, prevent and cure disease. Obviously not all ailments can be fully cured, but where I cannot cure the ailment, I will seek out to make your life more comfortable by reducing the pain or other symptoms of the underlying condition.

My commitment is to follow the code of ethics and good practice according to the objectives of the British Herbal Medicine Association where I will:

  • Defend the right of the public to choose herbal medicines and to be able to obtain them freely;
  • Promote high standards of quality and safety in herbal medicines;
  • Advance the science and practice of herbal medicine by modern techniques;
  • Encourage wider knowledge and recognition of the value of herbal medicine;
  • Foster research in phytomedicine exploring the vast potential of medicinal plants.


My practice will be guided by the principles which should govern any practice of medicine from any kind of practitioner:

  1. First, do no harm – Primum non nocere
  2. Discover and Treat the Cause – Tolle causam
  3. The Healing Power of Nature – Vis medicatrix naturae
  4. Treat the Whole Person – Tolle totum
  5. Prevention is the best “cure” – Praevenire

What to expect coming to us:

Free 10 minute over the counter consultations for appropriate conditions (full consultation may be suggested depending on the condition).

The first consultation lasts between one hour and one hour and half.
You will be asked to bring with you:
– all your medical history (hospital papers, tests or any other information regarding your health condition)
– any current orthodox medication you take (or you can bring a list of what medication you are taking)
– a list of dietary supplements if you are taking any.
After your consultation a further 15-20 minutes should be allowed for dispensing your individual prescription.

A follow up consultation to check  on progress  is usually held after 3 – 4 weeks after your initial consultation and usually lasts 30 minutes.

Consultation fees:

First consultation fee – 50 euro
Follow up consultation fee – 30 euro

* Kindly note that all consultations are by appointment only.
* All consultations are private and strictly confidential. Details of your treatment, name, address, telephone number or any other piece of personal information, will not be passed to any third party.